How might we design a self sustaining refrigerator and freezer unit that processes waste to generate clean energy in a closed loop cycle.
Note: This was a group project. I served as the marketing lead.
Multidisciplinary Product Design
A look into our process.
Food Waste
Over 1/3 of food produced in the United States is wasted. Rotting food produces methane, which is 3x more harmful to the atmosphere than CO2.
My team, had a mission to create a user-centric refrigerator and freezer unit with the following criteria.
Leverages functional storage
Biochemical food sensors
Built in compost system to decrease food & energy waste.
Energy Waste
A household refrigerator is a huge consumer or energy, which is both economically and environmentally detrimental.
Group Project Parameters
This semester long group project prompt was to create a design solution to food waste and energy generation that promotes sustainable practices. To create a waste-to-energy appliance that processes organic waste to generate clean energy in a closed loop cycle.
Throughout this project, I served as the marketing strategist which meant I was responsible for ideation, branding, aesthetics, partnerships, supply chain relationships, user incentives, packaging and marketing strategy. I did not produce the CAD modeling or renderings.