The Oomie

The Oomie

This touch - free thermometer was created to reinvent the way we perceive medical equiptment. Products that are meant to help and improve one's health, actually evoke fear. Rather than the typical cold and sterile looking devices, this thermometer engages the user. By implementing human factors and using friendly forms, this device is welcoming. When I was tasked with this project, I was immediately inspired by an interaction I had at summer camp in 2021. The thermometers we were given, were not only shaped like a gun, but had a trigger that functioned similarly to the harmful device. After a year of getting their temperatures taken because of Covid 19, my campers dreaded this task even at a happy place like camp. Watching 8 year old’s mimic shooting themselves while getting their temperature taken was heartbreaking to witness. That is why I designed ‘The Oomie’ with a bulbous shape to manipulate the user to grasp the hand in a more cupping motion. This ergonomics element paired with the energetic and colorful aesthetic consideration created a friendly device.

Production: modeled on Solidworks, rendered on Keyshot & 3D printed using FFF.

Created in May of 2023

Medical Design





Trader Joe's On Campus